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Articles from the June 18, 2020 edition

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  • Storm Causes Damage

    Jun 18, 2020

    Herald of June 21, 1945 The baby hurricane of late Friday afternoon, the worst of a series of thunder showers to pass over the Cove during a rainy week, caused widespread damage in the central section of the valley. Technical Sergeant Norbert E. Rhodes, 23 of Royer, was a prisoner of the Germans for a year and is now home. A number of men from the Cove left Wednesday for Dayton, Wash. on the west coast where they will be employed in a pea cannery for the next six weeks. Emanuel Bassler, the last surviving brother of the late M.Z. Bassler...

  • Dragons Make History

    Jun 18, 2020

    Herald of June 17, 2010 For the second time in the history of Central High School and the first time since 1984, the Scarlet Dragon baseball team will be playing for a state championship. Roaring Spring Borough Council has declared an amnesty period to allow residents and property owners who have ignored their lawns to fire up mowers and weed-whackers and generally clean up their yards but has a July 1 deadline. Martinsburg Borough Council members voted unanimously Monday evening, June 7, to reject a proposed ordinance to create a four-way...

  • Public Notice

    Jun 18, 2020

    Form of Advertisement Sealed proposals will be received by the Taylor Township, of Blair County at 7217 Woodbury Pike, Roaring Spring, PA 16673, until 3 p.m. on July 6, 2020, for the following: Item 1, 14,44y S.Y., Double sealcoat with RD-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM (E-3M) Item 2, 110,387 S.Y., Single sealcoat with RS-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM (E-3M). Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $885.00 per calendar day. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. For third class cities the bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid b...