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75 Years Ago

Tomatoes Get Rejected

Herald of Oct. 12, 1944

Residents along some of the highways leading out of Martinsburg were somewhat amazed Monday and Tuesday in seeing loads of tomatoes going away from Martinsburg instead of toward the H. J. Heinz receiving station in the town.

An investigation showed that practically all brought in by some farmers had been rejected, and the growers had nothing to do but haul them back home. Some of the farmers were considerably wrought up over the matter, claiming that they had been put to considerable expense in hiring help to harvest the tomatoes, in addition to losing their own time at a very busy season.

Fred W. Fogelslanger of Chambersburg who had been here during the tomatoes season as manager of the receiving station, had already left for his home when the Herald called, but J. Franklin Beach of Woodbury, assistant manager, who was closing up the station, stated that the tomatoes which had been rejected did not come up to the standard.

It seems that the recent rains caused the tomatoes to be cracked.


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