Jesus Was Not a Refugee
To the Editor:
I held my tongue throughout the month of December as comments filled TV, the internet and newspapers claiming that Mary, Joseph and Jesus were refugees, comparing them to the Syrian crisis and the influx of illegals crossing our borders daily.
Sorry, just can't hold it any longer. The Holy family was not fleeing a civil war. They were returning home for a government-mandated census. (Luke 2: 1- 7) Mary and Joseph were not turned away from inns because they were refugees. There were simply no more rooms available in Bethlehem as it was overflowing with others returning home for the census.
Mary and Joseph weren’t entering illegally as potential terrorists. Even James Comey, who I have less than a thimble of respect for, admits we have a difficult time vetting Syrian refugees because we have been able to gather next to no information from Syria due to the civil war.
Who knows if we are admitting terrorists through our borders, as very little vetting is being done. There was no reason to suspect Mary and Joseph were going to be violent in Bethlehem, but since 9/11, we certainly have reason to believe there are those who will bring violence to our nation.
It is true Mary, Joseph and Jesus fled to Egypt when Herod wanted to kill the lad.
There is no evidence the Egyptian authorities even knew that the family was there, and even if they did, there was little fear that they presented a terrorist danger. The angel appeared to Joseph and told him to go “home” when the danger was over.
I believe our country was founded on the principles that reflected the nature of God. It is our responsibility to preserve the liberty we enjoy. 2019 has been a discouraging year of dirty politics, lies, and liberal, progressive policies bent on chipping away at our constitution, denying protection for the unborn and our borders. I pray we find a way to unite as Americans, doing what is best for the country and not for the party, to prevent us from becoming another failed socialist experiment.
May 2020 inspire us to honor God in all we say and do.
Barb Thomas
New Enterprise
Editor’s Note: The Herald encourages readers to speak up about the issues of the day. We permit readers to speak with their own voices. Submissions are edited lightly and only for grammar, spelling and clarity.
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