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Flag Pole Presented

75 Years Ago

Herald of Sept. 20, 1945

Miss Paula Ruth Furry left Monday evening for Columbia, Mo., where she entered Stephens college. The young woman is much interested in flying and planned to take up the two years’ course in aeronautics.

Under the leadership of Wayne Ferry, president of the 1945 Senior class of the Martinsburg High school, a large flag pole has been presented to the schools.

A four-motored B-17 Navy plane came in to the Cove Valley airport Friday evening. It had tried to land at Pittsburgh, but on account of the smoke and darkness, decided to fly back to Martinsburg and spent the night here.

A happy social time was enjoyed Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Ellen Greaser on West Allegheny Street when most of her children and grandchildren came to help celebrate the eighty-sixth anniversary of her birthday.

The Cheerful Service class of the Methodist church in Martinsburg held their annual picnic dinner at the Memorial park with 16 members present. A good chicken dinner with all the trimmings was served.


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