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The Family of James H. Lyons, Generation Two: Part 3

James, as a widower, head of his family for 23 years after Sarah’s death, developed kidney trouble and was taken seriously ill while in Bedford, dying on Nov. 24, 1899. His obituary in the Bedford Gazette on Dec. 1 begins, “James H. Lyons, colored, died at his home in Salemville…” It ends with this statement: “He was an intelligent, sober, honest and industrious citizen.”

An obituary was also published in the Morrisons Cove Herald the same day, revealing more admiration for the man:

“James Lyons, of Salemville, passed to the Great Beyond last Friday night, aged almost 74 years. He was an honest upright Christian gentleman, highly respected in the community where he lived. He was a member of the German Baptist Brethren church for over 20 years. Mr. Lyons was born and reared in the section of country in which he died and though a colored man had the respect of all. He was the first postmaster at Salemville and so well liked that he was continued in office by four presidents. Only a week ago he was appointed to the office he so long filled… Deceased is survived by the following children who attended his funeral: Benjamin of Roaring Spring, Esther of Hollidaysburg, John of Altoona, Emma of near Pittsburgh, James of Lewistown and Mary and Amanda of Salemville. His remains were laid to rest in the New Enterprise cemetery on Sunday afternoon, after services were held by Elders D.T. Detwiler and C.L. Buck.”

A final obituary for James was printed in The Gospel Messenger, publication of the German Baptist Brethren on Dec. 30, 1899; submitted by Emma A. Replogle. “LYONS – in the village of Salemville, in the New Enterprise congregation, Pa., Bro. James H. Lyons, aged 73 years. Many will remember the pleasant, aged brother…. He was honest, industrious, intelligent, kind. Interment in New Enterprise. Services by Bro. D.T. Detwiler. His wife died many years ago. A large family of children survive him.”

A tall, rectangular gravestone marks the final resting place for this well-loved couple, whose legacy still continues on through succeeding generations.


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