Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

25 Years Ago

Tax Office Moves

Herald of May 22, 1997

The Administrative and tax offices of the Spring Cove School District were moved from Poplar Street in Roaring Spring to the former Taylor Elementary School located in front of the Spring Cove Middle School.

“Catch a Falling Star” was the theme of the Central High School prom held at the Casino in Lakemont Park. Russell Dixon and Emily Shaw were chosen as the 1997 prom king and queen.

Debra McNerlin, an English and reading specialist teacher at Williamsburg High School, was named Woman of the Year by District 5 of Business and Professional Women.

The Ray Camp VFW Post 7689 Ladies Auxiliary in Roaring Spring was officially instituted again after being disbanded for 30 years.

A drugged bear being used in a demonstration at Shawnee State Park in Bedford County surprised students and Game Commission officials by waking up. The 185 pound bear staggered to its feet, but went back to sleep after being anesthetized again.


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