Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Public Notices


The Board of Supervisors of Greenfield Township hereby notifies all interested parties that a SPECIAL MEETING will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 2022, at the Greenfield Township Building located at 477 Ski Gap Rd, Claysburg, PA. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss emergency repairs to the office building (air conditioner), and any such other business as may become necessary may also be conducted.

If you have a disability and wish to attend this public meeting and require an auxiliary aide, service, or other accommodation to participate, please contact Ami Fether, Township Secretary, at 814-239-5313 (Option 2) to discuss how the Township may best accommodate your needs.

Greenfield Township

Ami Fether, Secretary

Form of Advertisement

Sealed proposals will be received by the Freedom Township of Blair County, at 131 Municipal Street, East Freedom, PA 16637, until 3 p.m. on June 7, 2022, for the following.

Item 1, 332 ton Superpave scratch and leveling course, 9.5mm, in place

Item 2, 896 ton, Superpave wearing course, 9.5mm, in place

The Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage ACT applies to this project only if the bid amount exceeds $100,000.00.

Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $885.00 per calendar day.

Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality.

For third class cities the bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid, made payable to the municipality. For other municipal types it is the discretion of the municipality.

A performance bond or certified check in the amount of 100% of the contract shall be furnished by the successful bidder within 20 days after the contract is awarded.

The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

Freedom Township

Lisa Edmundson


Form of Advertisement

Sealed proposals will be received by the Huston Township, of Blair County, at 1230 Piney Creek Rd., Martinsburg, PA 16662, until 7:30 p.m. on June 2, 2022, for the following:

Item 1, 21,233 S.Y., Single sealcoat with RS-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM (E-3M)

Item 2, 999 ton, Superpave wearing course, 12.5mm, in place

Phase #1 = Item 1

Phase #2 Item 2

Phases to be bid and awarded seperately

The Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage ACT applies to Phase #2 only if the bid amount exceeds $100,000.00.

Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $885.00 per calendar day.

Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality.

For third class cities the bid must be acompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid, made payable to the municipality. For other municipal types it is the discretion of the municipality.

A performance bond or certified check in the amount of 100% of the contract shall be furnished by the successful bidder within 20 days after the contract is awarded.

The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

Huston Twp.

Dorothy Stahl, Secretary


The Williamsburg Community School District approved the Proposed Final Budget for the 2022-23 school year at their Regular Meeting on May 10, 2022. Final adoption of the 2022-23 Budget is scheduled for June 14, 2022 at the Regular Meeting to be held in the High School Library, 515 West Third St., Williamsburg, PA at 7:00 p.m. The Proposed Final Budget is available for inspection in the Business Office, High School Building, 515 West Third St., Williamsburg, PA 16693.

Kalie Zabrosky

Board Secretary

Executrix Notice

Estate of Annabelle Frazier, late of 437 Givler Drive, Apt. 320, Martinsburg, PA 16662.

Letters Testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay.


Dolly Bowser

288 Chestnut Street

New Enterprise, PA 16664


Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq.

Haberstroh, Sullivan & George, LLP

133 E. Allegheny Street

Martinsburg, PA 16662

Woodbury Community Yard Sale

The Woodbury Community Yard Sale will be held the weekend of June 3 to June 4, 2022. Community clean-up week will be May 30 to June 2, 2022.

The Borough encourages residents to keep their yards mowed and their property cleaned for this annual event as well as throughout the entire year in order to create a favorable impression on Woodbury Borough. We thank you for your efforts.


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