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Thought for the Week


Joshua is facing impending death. He is 110 years old. He had served as Moses’ faithful assistant and the military leader of Israel for more than 40 years before taking over the leadership of the nation. His name had changed from “Oshea,” which means salvation to “Joshua,” which means God is salvation. He now gathers the leadership of Israel at Shechem. He intends to give them one final charge. From his leadership position, he has learned to know them very well and must feel this charge is absolutely necessary. Chapter twenty-four, is not very long but Joshua does well at review. He basically begins with the time surrounding the original call of God to Abram to come out from among his nation, family, and worship focus. Joshua reviews many things including God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through their conquest of the “Promised Land.” As he weaves this story, he manages to thread God’s mercy and grace through it. He is not shy about reminding them how often they failed to live up to God’s call for obedience. He is also clear to weave into the chapter God’s wrath against and punishment of evil and disobedience. Verse fourteen brings us to this clarion call: “Choose!” Actually, it is an imperative call to do it “Today.” We all make choices daily. What to wear, what to eat, where to go, how to prioritize our activities and spend our time. Most of these make little real difference. Does it matter if I wear a green shirt or a blue one? Does it matter if I eat cereal or eggs and toast? Probably not very much difference. But this call from Joshua to Israel is a matter of life and death. He calls them to make the choice immediately and is well prepared to provide testimony to their choice. He ultimately writes their choice in the Books of the Law of Moses which is a summation of their history to this point. He also sets up a memorial stone, a long-lasting physical evidence of their choice. But we should be reminded this is not a “once and done forever” choice. We must daily choose. So, what is the whole choice to be made? “You choose this day whom you will serve…” The choice is whom will they worship (reverence, cling to, love, obey)? He offers several proposals of objects of worship. But he clearly tells them that he has made his choice, not only for himself but for his whole household. He and they will serve The Lord. The Lord is Jehovah, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, The One Who called Abram, the One Who delivered Israel, using many miracles, and led them over the last seventy years, and has now given them occupancy of this “Promised Land” in which they now dwell. The leadership make their collective choice: “We will serve the Lord.” But Joshua is not so quick to accept that answer. He wants to make sure they realize their commitment is to a jealous God, Who will not share His sovereignty with anything or anyone else. Their commitment must be absolute and without wavering or the God they promised to serve will surely punish them for their infidelity. This commitment care not be taken lightly. It dare not be flippant or half-hearted. What Joshua is calling Israel to, has been echoed by many human leaders over the history of mankind. It must still be the clarion call to people today.

Scriptures to Read

Joshua 24:1-5

Joshua 24:6-8

Joshua 24:9-13

Joshua 24:14-18

Joshua 24:19-21

Joshua 24:22-28

Deuteronomy 30:15-20


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