Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Newcomers to the Cove: August

After two years living in Morrisons Cove, I’ve decided August is my favorite month. There is so much to like about August. I find the weather to be pleasant with less rain than in May through July, on average. Warm temperatures at the start of the month give way to somewhat cooler temperatures near the end. The latter part of August also points us to the unofficial end of summer as Labor Day approaches.

The “dog days” of summer are generally thought to occur in August. These hot and often humid days suggest to us to slow down and kick back. Dog days gets it origin from the rising of the “dog star” (Sirius) at the end of July so the sultry days of late July and early August were tied to that astronomical event by the ancient Greeks.

August was once the sixth month, not the eighth. When January and February were added to the ten-month Roman calendar in the seventh century B.C., August moved down the line, so to speak. And the name was changed in 8 B.C. from Sextilis, or “Sixth Month” in Latin, to “August” to honor the Roman emperor Augustus. Yes, this was the same Caesar Augustus who reigned when Jesus was born. We find him in Luke 2:1 as he decrees that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire.

The harvest is in full swing in August. Homegrown corn and tomatoes are sold everywhere. Tomatoes taste better in August as abundant sunshine ripens them to perfection. We know where these fresh fruits and vegetables are grown and that is important to us. Nancy loves to can them for the upcoming winter to be added to her delicious batches of homemade chili and soups. She also cans peaches and freezes corn. She canned her own tomato soup and salsa in years past.

Nancy canned from the first year we were married. She learned this craft from her mother. All that good food tastes mighty good in February.

I remember Nancy packing our tiny Celica with boxes of her canned fruits and vegetables on our way to our first little apartment in California. Canning good food was always important and remains a tradition in our home.

This August our daughter and her family plan to visit us from out of state, which is a real bonus. That she chose a rare August vacation adds a new specialness to the month. We are looking forward to splashing in the pool and traveling the Cove with grandchildren this August. There are no Federal holidays in August, which means we can schedule activities any day in the month and not be concerned about three-day weekends.

There are, however, odd celebrations that occur in August like National Lazy Day (Aug. 10) or National Waffle Day (Aug. 24). I’m not making this stuff up.

Family and class reunions are often held in August. Church camps continue through early August. August is the most common month for births in the U.S. What’s not to like about August?

The Grange Fair in Centre County is held each August, this year from Aug. 19 through the 27. This is the 148th straight year of the Grange Fair and remains the last old-fashioned tenting fair in the nation.

Williamsburg’s annual Farm Show is Aug. 21 to 25. Morrisons Cove Dairy Show is Aug. 1 to 5 at the park in Martinsburg. The Huntingdon County Fair is Aug. 7 to 13. We like to walk through the agriculture buildings at these fairs. Kids compete, show their animals, and perhaps sell champions for big greenbacks.

Finally, activities relating to local schools begin in August. Back-to-school shopping for new “school clothes” begins. The Herald publishes school calendars including home room assignments, football and cross-country schedules, and other school news. It’s an exciting time for both students and teachers. (Sorry, teachers, but school’s back in soon!)

In previous years, Nancy and I volunteered to fill many free Salvation Army backpacks for kiddos going back to school. These packs were filled with school supplies for kids who were not quite as well off as some. So August is a time to serve and volunteer as well as to enjoy the dog days of summer. It remains my favorite month of the year.


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