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Spring Cove School District Notes Gov. Wolf's Free Breakfast Program

Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker announced at the Spring Cove School District September Board of Directors Committee of the Whole meeting that the district, due to the Pa. Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) grant awarded it, would be able to provide school police services for summer school each year for approximately 30 hours per year. Additionally, the school district will be looking to hire a part-time school police officer position for approximately six hours per day for 186 days per year, covered by the PCCD grant.

Baker also ratified the hirings of a district paraprofessional, math teacher, human resource/food service coordinator, business and tax officer coordinator, and special education teacher. Dealing with a shortage of drivers since the beginning of the school year, additional bus and van drivers were hired for the 2022-23 school year.

There were also resignations of the following employees: Central High School life skills support teacher, Spring Cove Elementary paraprofessional, Spring Cove Middle School principal, and Spring Cove Middle School teacher.

Baker said, “We were excited to welcome several new teachers at our opening in-service and at new teacher induction. All staff began the year with various trainings, which primarily focused on new curricula and software.”

In her monthly report, Baker said, “On Friday, Sept. 9, Governor Tom Wolf announced that Pennsylvania will provide free breakfasts to all students, regardless of family income, beginning with breakfast meals served after Oct. 1, 2022, and continuing through the end of the 2022-23 school year.

Please be aware that breakfasts served prior to Oct. 1 are not eligible for this new program. Lunches do not qualify for this program.”

The school district will also skip lead testing this year as they have decided to test every other year since no problems with lead have ever been discovered. The district Health and Safety Plan was also revised for the year since the state has loosened up regulations with the drop in COVID-19 numbers. With more flexibility, the school has taken out grab and go meals and they will only be offered if the school is completely closed down.

The district has been discussing undertaking a musical production and the Dragon Pride Foundation is going to lend a big hand. The district accepted a donation of $25,000 from the foundation, made on behalf of anonymous alumni, to be used for a musical.

One of the district’s elementary schools will be used as a polling place for the upcoming election. Voting will not interfere with ongoing classes. The next regular board meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. in the administration office board room.

Gov. Wolf Announces Universal Free Breakfast Program for 1.7 Million Pa. School Children

Governor Tom Wolf announced his $21.5 million plan to provide universal free school breakfast for 1.7 million students across the commonwealth this school year.

The Universal Free Breakfast Program will go into effect on Oct. 1, 2022 and run through the end of the 2022-23 school year. More than 1.7 million Pennsylvania children enrolled in public schools, intermediate units, charter schools, career and technology schools, and child care institutions that participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs will benefit from this state-funded program. The $21.5 million program is funded with prior year funding from the School Food Services General Fund appropriation. Interested schools that do not currently participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs can find information for applying on the Department of Education’s website.


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