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St. Johns Inspired to Help Family

An article and picture in the Morrisons Cove Herald edition of Dec. 24, 2020, caught the eye of a consistory member of St. John’s United Church of Christ at 116 East Julian Street in Martinsburg.

The church has been a constant in outreach in the community and this was another special way of being a part of God’s call to live out their belief in helping others. The consistory and church members became involved with the Habitat for Humanity building project to provide a new house for the Jeremy Smith family.

The article explained how the family had experienced many challenges during their 16 years of marriage and their growing family was in need of more space. The church began a collection to help provide food, water, and paper goods (shown above) to the family during the days of their move-in time. The Habitat project also experienced many challenges in building and completing the house, as a byproduct of the pandemic.

Finally, during the last week of October of 2022, the occupancy permit allowed the family the long-awaited joy of moving into their new house. On Oct. 28, St. John’s members were able to deliver offerings to the family. It was with great joy and thanksgiving that St. John’s could be a part of seeing this lovely family turn a Habitat House into a real home.


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