Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

125 Years Ago

War Declared Against Spain

Herald of April 21, 1898

As a result of the joint resolution adopted by Congress on Tuesday, war has been declared against Spain. If Spain does not agree to get out of Cuba in the time named by the President, then force will be used directed by the action of Congress.

The Pennsylvania Railroad is experimenting with a machine which is a combination of a telegraph and a typewriter. When a key is touched at one end of the line it prints the letter on the paper in the machine at the other end. It is known as the teletype.

Mr. William Bateman, one of the best citizens in Morrisons Cove, died of dropsy in his home, Clover Creek, on the 16th inst. Mr. Bateman was a most estimable neighbor, a kind friend, and an excellent husband and father. For many years he was a consistent member of the Clover Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The surveyor and his assistants have been over the village of Roaring Spring, measuring, leveling, etc., and we’ll soon know how much the sewerage will cost.


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