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50 Years Ago

Frost Might Cause Damage

Herald of May 17, 1973

A frost on Tuesday night might have caused damage to the Cove’s fruit crop. A reading of a stop thermometer at Boyd’s orchard in Curryville stood at 27 degrees. It’s still too early to assess any damage to crops.

John S. Nicodemus of Martinsburg was the oldest voter in the north side precinct. At 91 years old, he believes he’s voted in every presidential election, but may have missed “one or two others.”

The Air Show at the Blair County Airport will bring in a number of outstanding aviators of the Experimental Aircraft Association flying their own models. The occasion is called “John Shaffer Day” in honor of Mr. Shaffer of Everett who just retired as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

One hundred and fifty-five people attended the annual Mother and Daughter banquet of the Bare Memorial Church of God in Roaring Spring.

Members of the Martinsburg Golden Age Club are planning a trip to the Wax Museum and Amish Homestead in Lancaster county.


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