Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

125 Years Ago

March at the Cemetery

Herald of May 26, 1898

The old “vets” will meet at G.A.R. hall on Monday morning where a general procession of all societies, Sunday Schools, etc. will form and march to the cemetery, then return to the ME. Church for an address.

Dr. Nason was called to Hollidaysburg on Tuesday as an expert in the Mrs. Thomas case vs. the trolley road.

The navy department has awarded an additional contract to the Patton Coal company, Patton, for 300,000 tons of steam coal. The company ordered additional machinery to meet the deadline.

Howard Kagereis was examining the business end of a revolver, and found it was loaded. The ball entered the palm of his hand and made its exit between the fingers. And it’s in a sling–that is the hand. Moral: don’t monkey with a revolver.

Carpenter J. D. Rhodes, by an accidental stroke of his hatchet, amputated the second finger of his left hand at the second joint.


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