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Woodbury Borough Looking Forward to Lower Alley Storm Drain Repairs

The June 5 Woodbury Borough Council meeting was held in the Community Center Building at 7 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was called to order by President Shawn Claycomb.

The secretary report from May was reviewed and approved with no changes.

The treasurer’s report was also reviewed, and discussion took place on possibly taking out CDs in the future. Steps also are being taken to move accounts from Mid Penn Bank to Hometown Bank, as it is closer for the treasurer.

Old business included discussion on Lower Alley storm drain repairs. This has been a problem for the last few years. A bid was obtained from Claycomb Excavating and accepted. This includes building the retaining wall back up, tapering it at a 45-degree angle and leveling the grate. This will need to be done before the tar and chip work takes place at the end of June. Work on this project will be submitted utilizing COVID money.

New business included approving hazard mitigation into a new Resolution Number 2023-1. This was revised so borough adopted it.

The borough has to make a resolution on demolition in the borough. This will be explored and discussed further at the next meeting. This is to ensure all demolition sites are left in good condition once a building is taken down.

Todd Rinker was approved to help with mowing and weed eating in the borough.


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