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125 Years Ago

Teacher Salaries set at $33 a Month

Herald of June 23, 1898

At a meeting of the Martinsburg school board held Saturday the tax was fixed at 3 percent, the same as the previous year. Teachers’ salaries were set at $33 per month, with a bonus of $2 for teachers with high qualifications.

Members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows from Blair and surrounding counties gathered at Williamsburg on Friday evening to attend the 50th celebration of the lodge at that place. The lodge was formed in 1848 with ten members and grew rapidly until the Civil War period when so many members were called to the colors that the membership dwindled to nine. Following the war the membership grew to 78 at present.

Miss Lucy M. Cressel of Roaring Spring became the bride of Prof. W. C. Hanawalt, principal of the Hollidaysburg schools, at a ceremony performed Sunday by the bridegroom’s father, a minister, at his home in Idlewild, Westmoreland county.

George Sullivan, Harry McKee and Charles Snyder, a trio of young men from Roaring Spring, left on Tuesday to join up with Company C, Fifth regiment, located Chickamauga, Ga., to fight in the war with Spain.


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