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125 Years Ago

Expenses for Celebration

Herald of July 14, 1898

The expenses for the Fourth of July celebration in Martinsburg included $15 for the fireworks display, $15 for the Woodbury band, $11 for the East Sharpsburg band, and $11.05 to Albert H. Stoner for meals provided to the visiting firemen and bandsmen.

Following the victory of the American fleet at Santiago, prayers were being offered in churches in the Cove area for an early peace in the Spanish American War. Sunday was a day of thanksgiving for the American victories, as proclaimed by President McKinley.

An addition to Nason Sanitorium at Roaring Spring was nearing completion, with 18 more hospital rooms, a library, and an additional operating room.

Frost was reported Monday morning on the mountain west of Altoona.

Following the discovery of a case of typhoid in Roaring Spring, the health officer called upon everyone to get rid of all filth about their premises and put everything in a sanitary condition.


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