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Thought for the Week

Return of Christ

I would like to tell you when Jesus Christ will return to earth. But, I cannot. Lots of people want to know. Many have asked. Quite a few have even made predictions. So far, those predictions have been wrong, and they will continue to be. When Jesus was asked, He said He did not know but only the Father knew. In 1976, we made a trip to California for our church’s General Conference. We had our daughter Ruth with us. Most things went well. But at the end of Conference we were traveling toward the East. Things did not go well that day. We were in Sioux Falls South Dakota when things sort of fell apart. We had trouble getting lodging. We had gotten a load of dirty cloth diapers washed but after two attempts the dryer failed to do its job and other things went wrong as well. I said to Sharon, why don’t we just leave and start for your parents’ home. She was agreed. We tucked a couple of wet diapers in the back windows and the wind blew them dry so we could use them. Driving went well, I was not so much tired as frustrated, so we drove on through the night and well into the next day. By this time we felt we should just go on. I drove 1,800 miles in those 36 hours. (Probably never do that again) We arrived at the Miller home on a Friday afternoon about 4 p.m. We put Ruth in her stroller, parked it by the front door, rang the doorbell and hid. Grandma came to the door, took a look at Ruth and said, “How did you get here?” We then stepped out of hiding. There were lots of hugs and kisses and we went inside. Now they knew we were coming but had not expected us for a few days. However, Grandma was prepared; fresh linens on the bed, well stocked refrigerator, house clean and tidy. There was no last-minute scrambling to get things done. I think that is how it should be when Christ returns. We should have done all we can do to get ready. Then we should be doing what He has asked us to do. When He arrives, we should be ready. Actually, He will come so suddenly, there will be no time for a “last-minute scramble.” Today is the day for us to get ready. Confess our sins and shortcomings. Receive Him as Savior and Lord. Seek His will and do it. Be in constant prayer for those who are not ready. I understand there were times when people came under conviction about Christ’s Return. They went out onto hillsides and just sat to wait for it to happen. That does not seem Biblical to me. Yes, I believe we should “watch and pray” but we should still be about the work assigned to us. We should be living witnesses whether we are involved with daily or special activities. Weddings can be times when those married renew their vows. Funerals are times when people are considering their eternity. New beginnings, new jobs, new neighbors, and the like are new chances for us to fulfill the Great Commission; to tell the Story of Christ, to make disciples, baptize folks and bring them into the Family of God, to teach them how to live for and to serve Christ as His disciples and His followers. Of course, be ready for His coming but also obey His commands. This is both the Day for accepting Christ and also the Day to rejoice and be glad in Him. If this is the Day of His coming, we will simply magnify our rejoicing and our praise to Him beginning our eternity.

Scriptures to Read

St. Matthew 24:36-44

St. Mark 13:32-37

St. John 14:1-14

I Thessalonians 4:1-8

I Thessalonians 4:9-12

I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Acts 1:6-12


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