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Cove Youth Football Kicked Off

It's football season and for the young gridiron players in grades first through sixth, the excitement and exhilaration is no different than the boys that play under the lights on Friday nights. This past weekend kicked off the youth football league between seven area teams.

The league made up of teams from Bedford, Berlin, Claysburg, Everett, Northern Bedford, Spring Cove, and Tussey Mountain features progressive levels of play. Flag football is offered for players in first and second grades. In this particular league, players in third and fourth grades begin learning the techniques of safe tackle football while wearing full pads and helmets and players at the fifth- and sixth-grade level continue to learn the skills needed to become safe and effective tackle football players. Many of these players continue their love of the game when they age out of the youth program and enter school-sponsored sports. Many of the boys cheered on at area Friday night football games began their careers with youth football programs.

Area youth football programs across the region are strong again this year with many players at each age group level. These programs are supported by numerous sponsors and volunteers, many of which are often parents of players and varsity players who love helping to teach the skills of the game.

Flag football

Flag football is the largest group of players and is a great start for players in first and second grade to begin learning the concept of playing the game of football. These players wear a belt around their waist with strips of material, called flags, hanging at their sides. Instead of players tackling one another to stop the ball from being advanced on the field, flag players will attempt to pull on the ball carrier's "flags" and release the flags from the player's waist. When the flags are removed, play stops and the ball is reset at the yard line where the flag was released. Players at this level are usually learning the basics of the game of football and the coaches are allowed to be on the field with the players during game time to assist players in learning proper skills of the game.

Full gear play

As players enter third grade within this league, they are issued full pads and helmets and introduced to safe and proper tackling skills. These players join fourth-grade players to form teams within each youth program that will compete against each other over a six-week game season. Players in fifth and sixth grade also are issued full pads and helmets and participate in full contact football when playing against one another.

Because the youth program promotes safety, the league has established weight restrictions for players who carry the ball during game play. To participate in the area league, players must attend a weigh-in session with league officials and have a weight on record with the league. For third- and fourth-grade players, any player 90 pounds or less, may be a ball carrier in official games. Any player over the 90-pound weight restriction may not carry or advance the ball during official games and will have a designated strip on their helmet. For fifth- and sixth-grade players, the weight restriction for ball carriers is 120 pounds and players over this weight limit will also have a designated stripe on their helmets. These restrictions where instituted to avoid potential injury to players during the game.

Weighing in

This year's weigh-in process was once again hosted by the Chestnut Ridge Little Lions team on Aug. 26, 2023. Area teams, including several Cove teams, were welcomed by the Lions as they also hosted a five-game scrimmage for each third- and fourth-grade team followed by another five-game scrimmage for each fifth- and sixth-grade team. The Chestnut Ridge campus was a flurry of activity that day as players and fans from all around our area converged on the several practice fields around the Lions Stadium. The scrimmages were the first time these teams had the opportunity to play competitively together as a team since starting practice in August.

These teams will continue to face off against one another over the next six weeks at fields all across the Cove and surrounding areas.

To close out the end of the youth football season, the league's seven participating fifth- and sixth-grade teams will be invited to compete at the 14th annual Heather's Kup tournament at Chestnut Ridge Stadium on Oct. 28, 2023. There will be exhibition performances by the area third- and fourth-grade teams that day as well.

Those unfamiliar with Heather's Kup, find out more in an upcoming edition of the Herald.


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