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Space Heaters Put in Martinsburg Elementary To Heat Classrooms Until Boiler is Fixed

Superintendent Dr. Betsy Baker announced at the Monday, Oct. 9 Spring Cove School Board of Directors committee of the whole meeting that the new boiler purchased for Martinsburg Elementary School could not be operable until the flue liner, which was ordered, arrived. The liner is due to come any day.

In the meantime, 31 large space heaters at a cost of $3,000 have been placed in classrooms to keep students warm. Notification has been sent home to all parents on the status of the situation.

The board had a lengthy policy discussion on attendance at meetings via electronic communications. There is a limit to how many times a board member can miss a meeting in person. Technically, a board member cannot miss more than two consecutive meetings and retain their position. This only applies, however, if another board member brings the issue to light. There is a three-day notification now if a board member will be attending a meeting virtually (electronically).

Board member Troy Wright asked the board if the general public shouldn't have the option to attend the school board meetings virtually. It would allow more people to attend a meeting than the administrative board room could hold or if attending in person was not possible. Spring Cove School District has two board meetings monthly, a committee of the whole meeting, which is a working meeting to discuss topics to be voted on, and a regular board meeting to vote on the issues discussed the week before. Other schools in the area allow the public to attend by Zoom; Hollidaysburg Area School District is one example.

The district is looking to fill two resignations and is short five paraprofessionals. They are hoping to hire a HR/food service coordinator, a full-time custodian, a certified school nurse, supplemental health room nurse, several new coaches, a bus driver and a paraprofessional.

Members of the school Future Farmers of America (FFA) Veterinary Science program were recognized and given certificates for placing third at the Big Eastern Conference where numerous eastern states were represented. Three of the students finished in the top ten of the competition. Those recognized included Instructor Heather VanWinkle, Sarah Disney, Hope Dively, Mary Grill, and Danielle Heltzell.

The next regular meeting will be Monday, Oct. 16 at the administrative board room at 7 p.m.


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