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Northern Bedford FFA Honors Chapter Members

On Nov. 16, the Northern Bedford FFA Chapter hosted a pig roast at Northern Bedford High School at 7 p.m.

Hundreds of folks come out for this event held each year by FFA. Members of the chapter stayed up all night and cooked the pig to be served. The pig was donated, and everyone brought a side dish or dessert. Chocolate milk and white milk was available from Ritchey's Dairy.

Officers for 2023-2024 are President Emma Byler, Vice President Samantha Corle, Secretary Lindsey Bolinger, Treasurer Emily Koontz, Sentinel Kaylee Ebersole, Chaplain Savanna Hershberger, Reporter Aaliyah Pepple and Student Advisor Aaron Conley.

Everyone enjoyed the delicious meal before moving to the auditorium for the program.

The introduction of guests was done by Emma Byler, who introduced Rachel Bowman the Bedford County Dairy Princess. PA State FFA Sentinel Grace Brammer spoke to the audience.

The Greenhand Ceremony was done by the FFA Officers introducing 31 Greenhands.

Officer and FFA Awards were given by Mr. Over and Mrs. Kensinger. They also gave the County FFA Awards.

Pepple presented an FFA highlight slideshow.

The closing ceremony was done by the FFA officers, and numerous door prizes were given out.

One family had three generations of FFA members. Shown above (from left) John Hileman, Bonnie Hileman, Jerry Detwiler, Barb Detwiler, Abigail Detwiler (who received her Greenhand award), Emily Koontz (who will receive her Keystone Degree at the Pennsylvania Farm Show), Mrs. Bethany Kensinger (who has completed her first year of teaching), Lindsey Koontz and Rick Bollinger all have participated in FFA.


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