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Letter to the Editor

Judge Thanks Voters

To the Editor:

Thank you to the Blair County voters who voted to retain me for another term on the Blair County Court of Common Pleas in last month’s election. The trust and support you have extended me in electing me to this position twice is a daily source of encouragement. It is a privilege to serve the community that I have called home my entire life and that has provided me so much opportunity.

The next ten years will bring significant challenges for our court system. On January 1, I will begin to serve as the President Judge of our Court and therefore will have an increased ability to provide leadership. As a judge our most important function is to decide cases that come before us fairly, objectively and in accordance with the law. However, judges should also lead the court system with clarity, vision, efficiency and transparency. You can count on me to do my best to accomplish these important goals.

Blair County Judge Wade Kagarise


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