Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Letter to the Editor

Journalism Nostalgia Never Ends

To the Editor:

Thank you for your time, energy, interest and commitment to make my hometown (and all-time favorite) newspaper prosper. Perhaps that last word has an odd ring in these difficult times for print media, but as long as The Herald is still standing as you move on, you’ve done well.

I remember the managing editor of the Bozeman (Montana) Daily Chronicle telling me when I told him I was loathe to leave for a better, bigger newspaper in Billings after only eight months as a rookie sports writer: “Hey, all you owe any newspaper is two weeks’ notice.” That was almost 55 years ago, and Bozeman landed a talented replacement. It is already 19 years since I left the last of “my” six dailies, the Lewiston (Idaho) Morning Tribune, and I harbor waves of nostalgia for all six.

Journalism is a valuable and honorable profession that remains essential if America’s citizenry is to be kept informed, correctly, of society’s activities that shape their lives and that offer opportunity to participate in our essential collaboration.

All the best, Anna (and spouse), and all the best also to The Herald.

Robert Steele Davis



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