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50 Years Ago

Spring Pays Brief Visit

Herald of Feb. 28, 1974

Temperatures climbed to an unseasonably high 62 degrees on Feb. 22, bringing hopes of an early spring. That evening, however, the mercury fell almost 30 degrees, and winds whipped up to 60 mph and a dusting of snow fell.

The Northern Bedford School District was presented with a plaque by the Pennsylvania Electric Co. for its efforts in conserving energy. From the start of the school year through January the district had cut its energy consumption by 12.8 percent.

“The Resurrected Savior,” a 10-foot high wooden statue hand-carved in Italy, was placed under the Rose window at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Williamsburg.

Cost estimates for a new 47-bed infirmary wing planned at Morrisons Cove Home came in at $34,000.

Robert R. Kuntz of Altoona was named postmaster at the Roaring Spring post office. Previously he served as officer in charge at the post office since September 1973.


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