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50 Years Ago

State Senator’s Race Heats Up

Herald of April 11, 1974

State senatorial candidate Roy Ogburn of Somerset County and his opponent in the primary, Robert Jubelirer of Altoona, both spoke at the Morrisons Cove Republican Club. Ogburn, who had walked over Tussey Mountain on Route 164 as part of his 200-mile walk across the senatorial district, came under attack from Jubelirer for allegedly bringing undue pressure from federal officials to bear in the campaign.

Paul J. Fisher, music teacher at the Spring Cove Junior High School, announced plans to retire at the end of the year after teaching for 31 years.

John L. Thompson, a fireman and owner of the Thompson Funeral Home, was named chairman of the Roaring Spring Volunteer Fire Company’s fundraising campaign to bring in $150,000 for a new fire hall.

The restart of commuter service at the local airport was delayed a week due to equipment problems experienced by the Clark Aviation Corp.


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