Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

10 Years Ago

Full House at Williamsburg

Herald of May 8, 2014

Williamsburg Borough Council met on Monday, May 5, to a full house with nine citizens present being rental property owners. The landlords who were in attendance asked questions and expressed displeasure about a new proposed borough ordinance. The ordinance if it was passed would require some rental property owners to make upgrades and/ or repairs.

Xavier Maslowski, 16, of Martinsburg and freshman student at the Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School, took a mission trip to Panama with five other students to promote literacy to some of the indigenous people. Two teachers chaperoned the trip. The trip was two weeks from March 23 to April 6.

Morrisons Cove Memo- rial Park’s Board of Direc- tors made a tough business decision to say goodbye to Roseanne Conrad, the park’s executive director who had been there since 2009, due to its financial situation, at the time.


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