Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

Letters to the Editor

Keep Writin’, Mellott!

To the Editor:

Recent issues of the Herald have included historical articles by Kathy Mellott. Her long career in public service as a reporter on local government and other issues should be recognized by others besides me. For a brief interval – fall 1982-spring 1984 – Kathy was the most reliable member of the Area News crew for the Altoona Mirror when I was Area News editor. She and northern Blair writer Virgie Werner, Cambria Country stringer Sandy Ivory and others made my job a daily joy, even though I have newspaper deadline dreams long after I left that 30-year career. I know Kathy also wrote for the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat and maybe others. The Bedford Gazette would have been a natural, considering she’s lived at Waterside, Northern Bedford County School District, as long as I’ve known her.

In short, so glad to see she’s still got the skills to fill blanks in our awareness of all things Cove, a legitimate heir of the Late Mrs. Snowberger, Keep on writin’, writin’, writin’, Kathy!

Robert Steele Davis



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