Putting cows on the front page since 1885.

South Woodbury Township to Compensate Volunteers

The Board of Supervisors of South Woodbury Township met on June 6, 2023, at the township building. Quorum was present.

The township office will be closed July 4, 2023, for observance of Independence Day. The July 5, 2023, board meeting will include budget planning.

Southern Cove Volunteer Fire Company Financial Reports for Fiscal Year 2022 need to be reviewed. The secretary will contact Fire Company to see if someone could make the next township meeting to review.

FY 2021 & 2022 Liquid Fuels Audit was completed on May 17, 2023. It was approved.

Vicky Defibaugh is subdividing a piece of land that has a cabin on it.

Repairs on Bridge number 3 on Old Mill Road will be done by the supervisors.

Volunteers on the Planning Committee put in a lot of time each year. Supervisors agreed to compensate with a small monetary award.

Wastewater plant operation is getting normal maintenance.

Yard sales for South Woodbury Township will be held June 30 and July 1st. For information you may contact Judith Ott (814) 932-6166 or judithott12345@gmail.com.


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