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100 Years Ago

New Building Named

Herald of March 2, 1923

At a meeting of the Parent-Teacher association February 16, 1923, the result of the voting for a name for the new building was announced. Patrons and friends unanimously decided to name the school the Benson building in honor of Miss Emma Benson who has for so many years been the faithful and efficient teacher in our primary grades. A noble work will live forever and no reward great enough can be bestowed on this one who has won the affection and esteem of the entire community.

Samuel Golden, who lives on the Albert Tipton farm west of town, is very ill with influenza, and his daughter Marjorie died this Friday morning of pneumonia.

Miss Mabel Brown, efficient clerk in Dilling’s store, has been confined to her home this week with an attack of grippe. Miss Rose Lower is taking her place in the store.

The coal supply at the M. C. Home is being replenished by a car load, this week.


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