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Articles from the 'Coronavirus' series

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 50 of 267

  • The Heral's Virus Report

    Jun 17, 2021

    Reported on 6/15/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,276 - 140 - 292.3 Blair: 10,607 - 340 - 279.1 Cambria: 10,371 - 437 - 335.7 Centre: 15,397 - 224(n/c) - 137.9 Clearfield: 6,312 - 150 - 189.3 Fulton: 761 - 15(n/c) - 103.2 Huntingdon: 5,792 - 177 - 299 Somerset: 5,758 - 216 - 294.1 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 6/01/21 Bedford: 3,237 - 138(n/c) - 288.2 Blair: 10,553 - 338 - 277.4 Cambria: 10,279 - 432 - 331.8 Centre: 15,358 - 224 - 137.9 Clearfield: 6,269 - 147 - 185...

  • Directrices para niños que todavía no están idóneos para recibir la vacuna COVID-19, y sus familias

    Jun 17, 2021

    La Secretaria Interina del Departamento de Servicios Sociales, Meg Snead, la Interina Médica General Dra. Denise Johnson, y la Interina Comisionada del Departamento de Salud Pública de Filadelfia, Dra. Cheryl Bettigole, visitaron el Please Touch Museum en Filadelfia para dar unas directrices para proteger a los niños y sus familias mientras niños de menos de 12 años todavía no están idóneos para recibir una vacuna COVID-19. DHS (el Depto. de Servicios Sociales) y su Oficina de Desarrollo Infantil y Aprendizaje Temprano (OCDEL), junto con el...

  • Pa. Dept. of Health: Over 10.2 Million Vaccinations to Date

    May 27, 2021

    The Herald’s Weekly Virus Report Reported on 5/25/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,219 - 138 - 288.2 Blair: 10,486 - 335 - 275.0 Cambria: 10,245 - 430 - 330.3 Centre: 15,291 - 222(n/c) - 136.7 Clearfield: 6,229 - 146 - 184.2 Fulton: 749 - 15(n/c) - 103.2 Huntingdon: 4,259 - 131 - 290.2 Somerset: 5,724- 209 - 284.6 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 5/18/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,185 - 137 - 286.1 Blair: 10,228 - 332 - 272.5 Cambria: 10,379 - 428 - 328.7 C...

  • Businesses Have Option to Require Individuals to Wear Masks

    May 20, 2021

    The Herald's Weekly Virus Report Reported on 5/18/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,185 - 137 - 286.1 Blair: 10,228 - 332 - 272.5 Cambria: 10,379 - 428 - 328.7 Centre: 15,212 - 222 - 136.7 Clearfield: 6,182 - 143(n/c) - 180.4 Fulton: 740 - 15(n/c) - 103.2 Huntingdon: 4,232 - 130 - 288.0 Somerset: 5,678- 207 - 281.8 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,151 - 135 - 281.9 Blair: 10,228 - 329 - 270.1 Cambria: 10,039 - 421 - 323.4 Centre: 15,123 - 220(n/c...

  • Pa: Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Approved for 12- to 15-Year-Olds

    May 20, 2021

    The Pa. Department of Health on May 12 encouraged all COVID-19 vaccine providers to start vaccinating anyone age 12 and over with the Pfizer vaccine as recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices held a meeting May 12 to review the data and make an official recommendation to use the vaccine for this age group. The CDC also said that the Pfizer vaccine could be co-administered with other routine vaccinations. “Hundreds of v...

  • Los Negocios Todavía Tienen La Opción Para Obligar a Los Individuos Para Llevar Mascarillas

    May 20, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania recordó a los residentes de Pensilvania que las personas totalmente vacunadas pueden elegir no llevar mascarilla, a menos que un negocio o una organización, como una escuela, requiera ese nivel más alto de protección, según las recomendaciones más actualizadas del CDC. “Cuando se vacuna con una de las tres vacunas seguras y eficaces, agregas el nivel mejor de protección para sí mismo y para los demás,” dijo Alison Beam, la Secretaria Interina de la Salud de Pensilvania. “Si estás totalmente vacunada, e...

  • Wolf Administration to Increase Indoor and Outdoor Events And Gatherings Maximum Capacity on May 17

    May 13, 2021

    The Herald’s Weekly Virus Report Reported on 5/11/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,151 - 135 - 281.9 Blair: 10,228 - 329 - 270.1 Cambria: 10,039 - 421 - 323.4 Centre: 15,123 - 220(n/c) - 135.5 Clearfield: 6,105 - 143 - 180.4 Fulton: 733 - 15(n/c) - 103.2 Huntingdon: 4,195 - 128(n/c) - 283.5 Somerset: 5,622 - 205 - 279.1 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 5/04/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 3,095 - 134 - 279.8 Blair: 10,058 - 324 - 265.9 Cambria: 9,904 - 418 - 3...

  • Depto. de la Salud empieza a usar un mapa de vacuna para mejorar acceso a la vacuna para COVID-19

    May 13, 2021

    El 7 de mayo, el Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania empezó a usar vaccines.gov como la fuente de mapas para ayudar a individuos a encontrar un lugar donde se pueden vacunar. Vaccines.gov, también conocido como Vaccine Finder, es un servicio gratis y en línea, desarrollado por Boston Children’s Hospital, el Departamento de la Salud y los Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, y el CDC. El sitio provee información sobre la disponibilidad actual de las vacunas, para personas que son idóneas, en los proveedores y farmacias por todo los EE...

  • Pa. Department Of Health: COVID Just One Important Vaccine

    Apr 29, 2021

    The Herald’s Weekly Virus Report Reported on 4/27/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 3,059 - 131 - 273.6 Blair: 9,844 - 320 - 262.7 Cambria: 9,753 - 415 - 318.8 Centre: 14,760 - 219 - 134.9 Clearfield: 5,886 - 135 - 170.3 Fulton: 715 - 15 - 103.2 Huntingdon: 4,069 - 128 - 283.5 Somerset: 5,467 - 198 - 269.6 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 4/6/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,882 - 130 - 271.5 Blair: 9,170 - 315 - 258.6 Cambria: 9,112 - 406 - 311.8 Centre: 13,617 - 2...

  • La vacuna contra COVID-19 es una de muchas vacunas importantes

    Apr 29, 2021

    El 26 de abril, el Departamento de la Salud recordó a residentes de Pensilvania de la importancia de todas las vacunaciones, incluyendo la vacuna para COVID-19, para protegerse de muchas enfermedades serias y potencialmente fatales. Estos incluyen COVID-19, el sarampión, las paperas, la tos convulsa, y la hepatitis. “Es esencial que todos los residentes de Pensilvania no solo reciban la vacuna para COVID-19, pero también que recuerden la importancia de mantenerse al día con todas las vacunaciones recomendadas,” dijo Alison Beam, Secreta...

  • All Pa. Adults Eligible For COVID-19 Vaccine By April 19

    Apr 8, 2021

    All adults in Pennsylvania will become eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination by April 19, the Department of Health said Wednesday, March 31. The news comes nearly four months after the state rolled out its immunization effort for 4 million residents under Phase 1A. Despite early rounds of criticism over the pace and logistics of the state's plan, vaccine providers now administer up to 83,000 shots per day, acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said. "The vaccine landscape continues to evolve as...

  • Report: Low Risk of Researchers Passing Coronavirus to North American Bats

    Apr 8, 2021

    The risk is low that scientists could pass coronavirus to North American bats during winter research, according to a new study led by the U.S. Geological Survey. Scientists find the overall risk to be 1 in 1,000 if no protective measures are taken, and the risk falls lower, to 1 in 3,333 or less, with proper use of personal protective equipment or if scientists test negative for COVID-19 before beginning research. The research specifically looked at the potential transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which is the type of coronavirus that causes...

  • Pa. Department Of Health: Over 5.7 Million Vaccinations To Date

    Apr 8, 2021

    The Herald’s Weekly Virus Report Reported on 4/6/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,882 - 130 - 271.5 Blair: 9,170 - 315 - 258.6 Cambria: 9,112 - 406 - 311.8 Centre: 13,617 - 213 - 131.2 Clearfield: 5,338 - 130 - 164.0 Fulton: 682 - 15 - 103.2 Huntingdon: 3,883 - 127 - 281.3 Somerset: 5,202 - 190 - 258.7 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 3/30/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 2,851 - 130 - 271.5 Blair: 8,987 - 312 - 256.1 Cambria: 8,980 - 403 - 309.5 Centre: 13,180 - 21...

  • Departamento de la Salud ha dado más que 5.7 millones de vacunaciones

    Apr 8, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania confirmó el 6 de abril que, hasta las 12 a.m., había 4,255 casos adicionales positivos de COVID-19 en el estado. Esto aumenta el total estatal a 1,049,655. Hay 2,247 personas hospitalizadas con COVID-19 actualmente. Entre ellos, 427 están en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con COVID-19. La mayoría de los pacientes hospitalizados tienen 65 años o más, y la mayoría de las muertes han ocurrido en pacientes de 65 años o más. Más información se encuentra aquí. El promedio de pacientes en el hospital ...

  • – The Herald's Weekly COVID-19 Update –

    Apr 1, 2021

    The Herald’s weekly COVID-19 pandemic update. Reported on 3/30/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,851 - 130(n/c) - 271.5 Blair: 8,987 - 312 - 256.1 Cambria: 8,980 - 403 - 309.5 Centre: 13,180 - 213(n/c) - 131.2 Clearfield: 5,109 - 128 - 161.5 Fulton: 671 - 15(n/c) - 103.2 Huntingdon: 3,833 - 126(n/c) - 279.1 Somerset: 5,146 - 188 - 256.0 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Reported on 3/23/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,883 - 130 - 271.5 Blair: 8,869 - 309 - 253.6 Cambria: 8...

  • It's Not Over Yet: How to Navigate Easter Celebrations While Still Social Distancing

    Apr 1, 2021

    Holidays have been celebrated differently since the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019. Easter was among the first major holidays to be celebrated differently in 2020, and celebrations likely won't return to normal in 2021. Celebrations and social distancing make strange bedfellows. However, it's possible for people to safely celebrate Easter with their loved ones. • Watch virtual Mass together. Though it might not be the same as attending Mass in person together as a family, watching vir...

  • COVID Vaccination Does Not Invalidate Life Insurance Policies

    Apr 1, 2021

    Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman is reassuring Pennsylvanians that receiving the COVID-19 vaccine will not impact their ability to purchase life insurance, or their ability to collect on a policy. In response to several concerned consumers contacting the Department, the department and the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania are urging consumers to be wary of the misinformation circulating the Internet. “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved all the vaccinations currently being used, finding each of them safe and e...

  • Pa. Accelerating Vaccinations; More than 4 Million Administered

    Mar 25, 2021

    Gov. Tom Wolf and Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam on March 19 detailed the state's vaccination progress as the process accelerates. "The pace of vaccinations in Pennsylvania is accelerating each day," Gov. Wolf said. "We know we have more work to do. We appreciate all the providers and locations working to vaccinate Pennsylvanians. The commonwealth is committed to ensure that we can vaccinate all those in Phase 1A as soon as possible." As of Friday, March 19 (Cumulative since...

  • The Herald's Weekly COVID-19 Update

    Mar 25, 2021

    The Herald's weekly COVID-19 pandemic update. Reported on 3/23/21 #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,883 - 130 - 271.5 Blair: 8869 - 309 - 253.6 Cambria: 8,896 - 402 - 308.8 Centre: 12,707 - 213 - 131.2 Clearfield: 4,935 - 124 - 156.5 Fulton: 665 - 15 - 103.2 Huntingdon: 3,786 - 126 - 279.1 Somerset: 5,088 - 185 - 251.9 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Week of March 9, 2021 Area Counties #Cases - #Deaths - Rate* Bedford: 2,795 -...

  • Pensilvania Ofrece una Actualización Sobre los Esfuerzos Para Mitigar COVID-19

    Mar 25, 2021

    El 22 de marzo, el estado de Pensilvania publicó una actualización semanal sobre los esfuerzos del estado para frenar la propagación de COVID-19. La actualización se basó en el sistema de Aviso Temprano y Monitorización de COVID-19. Entre los datos nuevos, hay un aumento de 14,182 casos nuevos en los últimos 7 días, un índice de resultados positivos de 6.5 por ciento, y 25 condados con el estatus de "nivel abundante" de transmisión. El sistema se diseñó para proveer avisos tempranos de los fact...

  • Cove to Get COVID-19 Test Site March 23-27

    Mar 18, 2021

    The Department of Health announced March that a drive-through and indoor walk-in COVID-19 testing site will open in Morrisons Cove. From March 23 through March 27, a COVID-19 testing site will operate at Morrison Cove Memorial Park, 201 South Walnut Street, Martinsburg. The Martinsburg site is one of the sites of a rotating drive-through and indoor walk-in COVID-19 testing operation in Blair County. The planned Blair County testing dates and locations are as follows. March 16 – 20: Beale Ave. Office Complex (former Butterick Plant), 3007 B...

  • Pa. Announces Revised COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy

    Mar 18, 2021

    Pa. Governor Tom Wolf and members of the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force on March 12 announced another effort to complete COVID Phase 1A vaccinations first, set up mass vaccination clinics with regionally supplied plans to inform allocations, and vaccinate front-line workers. The announcement of plans by the task force focus include three areas that augment the existing plan: • Scheduling vaccine appointments for those in Phase 1A who are still seeking a vaccination. To date, nearly 1 million Pennsylvanians age 65 and older have received a fir...

  • Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions Gives Restaurants a Boost

    Stacy Hoover, Blair County Chamber of Commerce|Mar 18, 2021

    As COVID-19 cases have declined and vaccination rates are climbing, Pa. Governor Tom Wolf on March 15 announced the lifting of some targeted restrictions on restaurants and other businesses, as well as increased gathering limits. Effective April 4: • Restaurants may resume bar service • Alcohol service will be allowed without the purchase of food. • The curfew for removing alcoholic drinks from tables will be lifted • Indoor dining capacity will be raised to 75 percent for those restaurants that are currently self-certified and those that unde...

  • Morrisons Cove Abrirá Sitio de Pruebas Para COVID-19 en Rotación

    Mar 18, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud anunció en marzo que abrirá un sitio de pruebas para COVID-19 en Morrisons Cove con servicio de ventanilla. Tendrá también un sitio adentro de pruebas sin cita. Desde el 23 de marzo hasta el 27, un sitio de pruebas para COVID-19 se operará en Morrisons Cove Memorial Park, 201 South Walnut St., Martinsburg. El sitio en Martinsburg es uno de los sitios de una rotación de servicio de ventanilla y servicio sin citas para hacer pruebas de COVID-19 en el Condado Blair. Los otros lugares planeados para sitios tempo...

  • PA Anuncia Estrategia Revisada Para Distribuir la Vacuna Para COVID-19

    Mar 18, 2021

    El Gobernador de Pensilvania, Tom Wolf, y miembros del Cuerpo Especial para la Vacuna para COVID-19, anunciaron el 12 de marzo otro esfuerzo para terminar la Fase 1A de la vacunación primero, crear clínicas para vacunación en masa con distribuciones regionales de la vacuna, y vacunar a los trabajadores de primera línea, como trabajadores sanitarios. El anuncio de los planes del cuerpo especial incluye tres esfuerzos que aumentan el plan actual: • Programar citas para vacunación para las personas en la Fase 1A que todavía buscan vacunaci...

  • Pa. Reports Two-Day Total Of 3,176 New COVID-19 Cases

    Mar 11, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of 3/9/2021 Area Counties #Cases - #Deaths - Rate* Bedford: 2,795 - 129(n/c) - 269.4 Blair: 8,732 - 305 - 250.4 Cambria: 8,784 - 396 - 304.2 Centre: 12,087 - 213 - 131.2 Clearfield: 4,758 - 117 -147.6 Fulton: 657 - 14(n/c) - 96.4 Huntingdon: 3,642 - 125 - 276.9 Somerset: 5,006 - 186 - 283.2 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. – Week of March 1 – Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,770 - 129** - 269.4 Blair: 8,653 - 298 - 244.6 Cambria: 8,700 - 394 - 302.6...

  • Pensilvania reporta 3,176 casos nuevos de COVID-19 en los últimos dos días

    Mar 11, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania confirmó hoy que, hasta las 12:00 a.m. el 8 de marzo, había 1,658 casos positivos adicionales de COVID-19, además de 1,518 casos nuevos que se reportaron el domingo, 7 de marzo. El total de esos dos días es 3,176 casos positivos adicionales de COVID-19, y esto aumenta el total estatal a 950,161. Hay 1,587 personas hospitalizadas con COVID-19. Entre ellos, 314 están en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con COVID-19. La mayoría de los pacientes hospitalizados tienen 65 años o más, y la mayoría de las m...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Mar 4, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of 3/2/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,770 - 129** - 269.4 Blair: 8,653 - 298 - 244.6 Cambria: 8,700 - 394 - 302.6 Centre: 11,897 - 209 - 128.7 Clearfield: 4,674 - 114 -143.8 Fulton: 650 - 14(n/c) - 96.4 Huntingdon: 3,549 - 124 - 274.7 Somerset: 4,987 - 185** - 251.9 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. **Pa. DOH apparently revised this number from the previous week. – Week of Feb. 23 – Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,755 -...

  • 1,000 Receive COVID-19 Vaccination at Nason Phase 1A Clinic

    RICK BOSTON, Staff Writer|Feb 18, 2021

    The COVID-19 vaccine rollout continued locally on Friday, Feb. 12, when 1,000 people received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at the Freedom Township Fire Hall, East Freedom. Conemaugh Nason Medical Center, in partnership with the Blair County Emergency Management Association, AMED, and the Hollidaysburg Ambulance Company administered the vaccine to individuals in the 1A phase of the rollout. Phase 1A consists of people 65 years of age or older and those ages 16 to 65 with high-risk...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Feb 18, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of 2/16/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,731 - 127 - 265.2 Blair: 8,509 - 285 - 233.9 Cambria: 8,519 - 381 - 292.6 Centre: 11,295 - 204 - 125.6 Clearfield: 4,537 - 110(n/c) -138.8 Fulton: 629 - 13(n/c) - 89.5 Huntingdon: 3,412 - 118 - 261.4 Somerset: 4,897 - 187 - 254.6 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. – Week of Feb. 11 – Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 2,713 / 125 / 261.0 Blair: 8,399 / 275 / 225.7 Cambria: 8,455 / 372 / 285.7...

  • La Actualización Semanal del Herald Sobre el Coronavirus

    Feb 18, 2021

    – ACTUALIZACIÓN SEMANAL – Hasta las 16 de febrero, 2021 Condados Cercanos #Casos/#Muertes/Índice de muertes Bedford: 2,731 - 127 - 265.2 Blair: 8,509 - 285 - 233.9 Cambria: 8,519 - 381 - 292.6 Centre: 11,295 - 204 - 125.6 Clearfield: 4,537 – 110 (no hay cambio) -138.8 Fulton: 629 – 13 (n/c) - 89.5 Huntingdon: 3,412 - 118 - 261.4 Somerset: 4,897 - 187 - 254.6 *El índice es el número de muertes por cada 100,000 personas. Se usa para comparar los índices entre condados con distintas poblaciones. Hasta la semana anterior (la semana del 11 de febrer...

  • Pa. Vaccine Supply Short 5.6 Million Doses for First Phase

    Feb 18, 2021

    Pennsylvania needs 8 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccines to immunize the roughly 4 million residents included in its first wave. But, so far, the Pa. Department of Health said the federal government has shipped about 2.4 million doses – or just one-third of what's necessary before providers can move onto Phase 1B of the statewide vaccination plan. Even without a timeline for completing Phase 1A determined, Lindsey Maudlin, a department senior adviser, told reporters the general public that f...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Feb 11, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of 2/9/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,713 / 125 / 261.0 Blair: 8,399 / 275 / 225.7 Cambria: 8,455 / 372 / 285.7 Centre: 11,011 / 201 / 123.8 Clearfield: 4,510 / 110 / 138.8 Fulton: 610 / 13 (n/c) / 89.5 Huntingdon: 3,331/ 116 / 257.0 Somerset: 4,850 / 184 / 250.5 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. – Week of Feb. 2 – Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 2,965 / 121 / 252.7 Blair: 8,212 / 256 / 210.1 Cambria: 8,313 / 364 / 279.6 Centre:...

  • La Actualización Semanal del Herald Sobre el Coronavirus

    Feb 11, 2021

    ACTUALIZACIÓN SEMANAL Hasta las 9 de febrero, 2021 Condados cercanos # Casos/# Muertes/Índice de muerte* Bedford: 2,713 / 125 / 261.0 Blair: 8,399 / 275 / 225.7 Cambria: 8,455 / 372 / 285.7 Centre: 11,011 / 201 / 123.8 Clearfield: 4,510 / 110 / 138.8 Fulton: 610 / 13 (n/c) / 89.5 Huntingdon: 3,331/ 116 / 257.0 Somerset: 4,850 / 184 / 250.5 *El índice es el número de muertes por cada 100,000 personas. Se usa para comparar los índices entre condados con distintas poblaciones. Todos los sesenta y siete (67) condados de Pensilvania han reportado mu...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Feb 4, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE –As of 2/2/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,965 / 121 / 252.7 Blair: 8,212 / 256 / 210.1 Cambria: 8,313 / 364 / 279.6 Centre: 10,479 / 193 / 118.9 Clearfield: 4,404 / 100 / 126.2 Fulton: 599 / 13 / 89.5 Huntingdon: 3,264/ 115 / 254.7 Somerset: 4,783 / 176 / 239.6 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Jan. 26 – Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,641 / 117 / 244.3 Blair: 8,02...

  • Pensilvania Ha Dado Más Que Un Millón De Vacunas Hasta Ahora

    Feb 4, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania ha confirmado que hasta las 12 a.m., el 2 de febrero, había 4,410 casos positivos adicionales de COVID-19 en el estado. Esto aumenta el total estatal a 850,488 casos desde marzo. Hay 3,280 personas hospitalizadas con COVID-19. Entre ellos, hay 650 pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos con COVID-19. La mayoría de las pacientes en el hospital tienen 65 años o más, y la mayoría de las muertes han ocurrido en pacientes de 65 años o más. Más información se encuentra aquí. Desde el final de septie...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Jan 28, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 1/25/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,641 / 117 / 244.3 Blair: 8,026 / 237 / 194.5 Cambria: 8,175 / 356 / 273.4 Centre: 9,921 / 185 / 113.9 Clearfield: 4,233 / 88 / 111.0 Fulton: 569 / 12 (n/c) / 82.6 Huntingdon: 3,121 / 108 / 239.2 Somerset: 4,698 / 162 / 228.6 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Jan. 21 – #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,576 / 100 / 229.7 Blair:...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Jan 21, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 1/18/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,576 / 100 / 229.7 Blair: 7,754 / 214 / 175.7 Cambria: 7,913 / 334 / 256.5 Centre: 9,567 / 171 / 105.3 Clearfield: 4,083 / 74 / 93.4 Fulton: 593 / 12 / 82.6 Huntingdon: 3,029 / 97 / 214.9 Somerset: 4,556 / 143 / 194.7 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Jan. 14 – #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 2,452 / 100 / 208.8 Blair: 7,408 / 192 / 1...

  • Conemaugh Nason Begins Vaccinating Staff, Prepares Public Rollout

    RICK BOSTON, Staff Writer|Jan 14, 2021

    COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States with nearly 3,000 fatalities a day being attributed to the virus. As of Monday, Jan. 11, the federal Centers for Disease Control reported 373,167 deaths nationwide due to COVID. Help, in the form of the COVID-19 vaccine, is here, but how long it will take for the vaccine to reach everyone is uncertain. Currently, the first doses are being given to frontline workers who work in environments that put them at daily risk of exposure....

  • Actualización sobre COVID-19

    Jan 14, 2021

    ACTUALIZACIÓN SEMANAL Hasta las 12:00 p.m., 11 de enero, 2021 Condados cercanos Número de casos / número de muertes / índice de muerte* Bedford: 2,452 / 100 / 208.8 Blair: 7,408 / 192 / 157.6 Cambria: 7,616 / 291 / 223.5 Centre: 9,159 / 153 / 94.2 Clearfield: 3,833 / 57 / 71.9 Fulton: 482 / 11 / 75.7 (no cambio) Huntingdon: 2,926 / 92 / 203.8 Somerset: 4,347 / 111 / 151.1 *El índice es el número de muertes por cada 100,000 personas. Se usa para comparar los índices entre condados con distintas poblaciones. Todos los sesenta y siete (67) condad...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Jan 14, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 1/11/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,452 / 100 / 208.8 Blair: 7,408 / 192 / 157.6 Cambria: 7,616 / 291 / 223.5 Centre: 9,159 / 153 / 94.2 Clearfield: 3,833 / 57 / 71.9 Fulton: 482 / 11 / 75.7 (no chng) Huntingdon: 2,926 / 92 / 203.8 Somerset: 4,347 / 111 / 151.1 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. It is used to compare county death rates. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Jan. 7 – #Cases / #Deaths / Rate Bedford: 2,341 / 97 / 201.3 Blair: 6,964 /...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Jan 7, 2021

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 1/5/2021 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,341 / 97 / 201.3 Blair: 6,964 / 177 / 144.5 Cambria: 7,241 / 254 / 192.8 Centre: 8,645 / 145 / 89.1 Clearfield: 3,445 / 50 / 63.0 Fulton: 445 / 11 / 75.7 Huntingdon: 3,099 / 87 / 192.6 Somerset: 3,894 / 89 / 120.3 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Dec. 31 – #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,242 / 90 / 186.8 Blair: 6,605 / 168 / 137.2 Cambria: 6,885 / 223 / 169.3 Centre:...

  • Actualización desde el Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania sobre COVID-19

    Jan 7, 2021

    El Departamento de la Salud de Pensilvania ha confirmado que hasta las 12 a.m., el 5 de enero, había 8,818 casos positivos adicionales de COVID-19. Esto aumenta el total estatal a 673,915. Debido a algunas actualizaciones técnicas, el servidor de datos estaba caído el domingo, 3 de enero. Por eso, el número de casos nuevos hoy incluye datos desde ese período en que el servidor estaba caído. Este mantenimiento técnico no afectó el sistema que se usa para reportar muertes causadas por COVID-19, porque esa información viene de otro servidor...

  • Pa. Emphasizing Importance of Ongoing COVID-19 Testing

    Jan 7, 2021

    Pa. Director of Testing and Contact Tracing, Michael Huff, and Special Assistant on Contact Tracing for the Pa. Department of Health, Lindsey Mauldin, on Jan. 5 presented an update on the state’s COVID-19 testing and contact tracing efforts, emphasizing the need for continued testing as Pennsylvania begins vaccine rollout. “To date over 8.3 million test results have been received in Pennsylvania,” Huff said. “Our COVID-19 testing provider, AMI, continues to offer regional testing in five counties each week. Last week, the regional sites t...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Dec 31, 2020

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 12/29/2020 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,242 / 90 / 186.8 Blair: 6,605 / 168 / 137.2 Cambria: 6,885 / 223 / 169.3 Centre: 8,293 / 132 / 81.1 Clearfield: 3,042 / 42 / 52.9 Fulton: 406 / 8 / 55.1 (n/c) Huntingdon: 2,525 / 81 / 179.3 Somerset: 3,635 / 70 / 94.7 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Last Week – #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,131 / 81 / 168.1 Blair: 6,182 / 150 / 122.5 Cambria: 6,552 / 211 / 160.2 Centre:...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Dec 24, 2020

    WEEKLY UPDATE As of noon 12/22/2020 Area Counties #Cases / #Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 2,131 / 81 / 168.1 Blair: 6,182 / 150 / 122.5 Cambria: 6,552 / 211 / 160.2 Centre: 7,916 / 125 / 76.8 Clearfield: 2,711 / 34 / 42.8 Fulton: 379 / 8 / 55.1 Huntingdon: 2,236 / 76 / 168.3 Somerset: 3,306 / 56 / 75.7 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Dec. 17 – # Cases / # Deaths / Rate* Bedford: 1,879 / 67 / 139.1 Blair: 5,455 / 114 / 93.1 Cambria: 5,819 / 146 / 110.8 Centre: 7...

  • The Herald's Weekly Coronavirus Update

    Dec 17, 2020

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of 11:30 a.m. 12/15/2020 Area Counties Cases / Death / Rate* Bedford: 1,879 / 67 / 139.1 Blair: 5,455 / 114 / 93.1 Cambria: 5,819 / 146 / 110.8 Centre: 7,344 / 106 / 65.1 Clearfield: 2,276 / 26 / 32.8 Fulton: 335 / 7 / 48.2 Huntingdon: 1,929 / 69 / 152.8 Somerset: 2,707 / 35 / 47.3 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Dec. 10 – # Cases / # Deaths / Rate Bedford: 1,484 / 54 / 112.1 Blair: 4,683 / 92 / 75.1 Cambria: 5,025 / 109 / 82.7 Centre:...

  • Blair County COVID-19 Deaths Reach Triple Digits

    RICK BOSTON, Staff Writer|Dec 17, 2020

    Blair County Coroner Patricia Ross reported last week that the death toll in Blair County due to COVID-19 reached 149. Ross said of those 149 deaths, 111 were Blair County residents. Ross said she expects the recent spike in cases to continue and said everyone needs to follow the directives aimed at mitigating the virus's spread. "We are in the worst of it right now." Ross said. "It is bad practice to not wear a mask and to not do social distancing at this time." Ross said people need to take...

  • Gov. Wolf, Sec. of Health Announce New Protective Mitigation Efforts

    Dec 10, 2020

    As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine on Dec. 10 implored Pennsylvanians to take the next three weeks and stand united against the virus by adhering to existing mitigation orders and stricter efforts announced today. “Today I am announcing additional, temporary COVID-19 protective mitigation measures in the commonwealth,” said Gov. Wolf. “With these measures in place, we hope to accomplish three goals: First, stop the devastating spread of COVID-19 in the commonwealth. Second, keep our h... Full story

  • The Herald's Weekly Virus Update: Pa. Approaches Half-Million Cases

    Dec 10, 2020

    – WEEKLY UPDATE – As of noon 12/8/2020 Area Counties Cases / Death / Rate* Bedford: 1,484 / 54 / 112.1 Blair: 4,683 / 92 / 75.1 Cambria: 5,025 / 109 / 82.7 Centre: 6,634 / 81 / 49.8 Clearfield: 1,864 / 22 / 27.7 Fulton: 279 / 7 / 48.2 Huntingdon: 1,722 / 62 / 137.3 Somerset: 2,098 / 24 / 32.5 *Rate is number of deaths per 100,000 population. Sixty-seven (67) counties have reported COVID-19 deaths. – Week of Nov. 16 – # Cases / # Deaths Bedford: 749 / 11 Blair: 2,235 / 41 Cambria: 1,792 / 23 Centre: 4,933 / 24 Clearfield: 697 / 8 Fulton: 127 / 4...

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