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public notices

Sorted by date  Results 60 - 109 of 275

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  • Public Notices

    Sep 7, 2023

    Notice of Pesticide Application Nutrien Ag Solutions of Tyrone, PA is giving notice of intent to make ground applications on agricultural crops during the next 30 days in Armstrong, Allegheny, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Beaver, Cambria, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Fayette, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Mifflin, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. Information will be made available upon request. Please contact Nutrien Ag Solutions, 5061 Babe Road, Tyrone, PA 16686 – (814) 684-9470. Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent a... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Aug 31, 2023

    Estate Notice Estate of Keegan Annalise Mina Burns, deceased. Late of Altoona City, Blair County, PA D.O.D. July 11, 2020. Letters of administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to Shelby Burns and Sean Burns, administrators, c/o Kristen L. Behrens, Esq., 457 Haddonfield Rd., Ste 700, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 or to their attorney Kristen L.... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Aug 24, 2023

    For Sale 2012 F550 dump truck. 4-wheel drive. Automatic. V10 Engine. 83,000 miles. Snow plow and spreader included. Sealed bids accepted at 1230 Piney Creek Road, Martinsburg (814-793-2381) until 4:00 pm on September 6th. Huston Township Supervisors reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bids. Meeting Notice Catharine Township has rescheduled their August regular meeting to August 28, 2023 at 5:00 pm at the Municipal Building, 1229 Recreation Dr, Williamsburg, Pa 16693...

  • Public Notices

    Aug 10, 2023

    Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent and fees, all property of Terry Wilt, 2825 W. Chestnut Ave., Altoona, stored at Freedom Junction Self-Storage, East Freedom, PA, will be sold on August 29, 2023, at 10 a.m., at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA. Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent and fees, all property of Denene Hinish, 137 Wertz Ave., Altoona, PA, stored at Freedom Junction Self-Storage, East Freedom, PA, will be sold on August 29, 2023, at 10 a.m., at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA. Storage Sale Due to... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Aug 3, 2023

    Notice of Pesticide Application Nutrien Ag Solutions of Tyrone, PA is giving notice of intent to make ground applications on agricultural crops during the next 30 days in Armstrong, Allegheny, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Beaver, Cambria, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Fayette, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Mifflin, Somerset, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. Information will be made available upon request. Please contact Nutrien Ag Solutions, 5061 Babe Road, Tyrone, PA 16686 – (814) 684-9470...

  • Public Notices

    Jul 20, 2023

    LEGAL NOTICE Notice hereby is given that the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury Township, Blair County will consider for enactment at the Regular meeting on August 3, 2023, at 7:00 pm. or another public meeting as permitted by statute, an Ordinance providing for minimizing accelerated erosion and preventing sediment pollution to the waters of the Commonwealth within the Township and setting forth the process for enforcement and penalties for violations of the Ordinance. The meeting will be held at 6385 Clover Creek Road, Williamsburg, PA. The... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Jul 13, 2023

    WOODBURY WATER AUTHORITY CUSTOMERS Woodbury Water Authority will be flushing the water system July 21 through July 31, 2023, weather permitting. Customers may experience cloudy or discolored water, as well as low pressure during these times. Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage and fees, all property of Shawn Ramsey, 918 Buttermilk Hollow Road, Claysburg, PA 16625, stores at Freedom Junction Self-Storage, East Freedom, PA, will be sold on August 1, 2023, at 10 a.m., at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA....

  • Public Notices

    Jul 6, 2023

    MEETING DATES CHANGE Two regular monthly meetings for the North Woodbury Township Board of Supervisors have been rescheduled from Thursday, August 3, 2023 to Thursday August 10, 2023 at 6 p.m. and October 5, 2023 to October 12, 2023 at 6 p.m. at the Township office, located at 113 Cranberry Road, Martinsburg, PA 16662. If you are a disabled person who would need assistance at said meeting, please contact the Township Secretary in person or by calling (814) 793-4357. NORTH WOODBURY TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Notice of Pesticide Application Nutrien Ag...

  • Public Notices

    Jun 22, 2023

    public Notices Estate Notice Karen P. Snively, deceased, late of Blair County. Letters of Administration on the above Estate having been granted to the Administrator, Brian F. Levine, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present same without delay, to Brian F. Levine, Esq. Brian F. Levine, Esq. Levine Law, LLC Attorney for the Administrator 22 E. Grant St. New Castle, PA 16101-2279 11,3t -------- Invitation to Bid Sealed Bids will be received by the Greenfield Township Board of...

  • Public Notice

    Jun 15, 2023

    LEGAL NOTICE GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP Notice is herby given by the Board of Supervisors of Greenfield Township of the intention to act upon the following proposed ordinances: SOLAR ELECTRIC FACILITY ORDINANCE 2023-01 REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND DECOMMISSIONING OF SOLAR ELECTRIC ENERGY FACILITIES. The full text of the proposed Solar Electric Facility Ordinance 2023-01 is available for public inspection at the Greenfield Township municipal building during regular business hours. The Board of Supervisors plans to consider its respective... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Jun 8, 2023

    Form of Advertisement Sealed proposals will be received by the Freedom Township of Blair County, at 131 Municipal Street, East Freedom, PA, 16637, until 3 p.m. on July 5, 2023, for the following: Item 1, 230 ton, Superpave wearing course, 19.0mm, in place Item, 2, 285 S.Y., Base repairs in place Item 3, 12,972 S.Y., Double sealcoat with RS-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM(E-3M) Phase #1 - Items 1 and 2 Phase #2 = Item 3 Phases to be bid and awarded separately Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $975.oo per calendar day. Proposals must be upon the forms f... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Jun 1, 2023

    Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent and fees, all property of Jackie Hess, 1130 13th Ave., Altoona, PA 16601, stored at Freedom Junction Self Storage, East Freedom, PA will be sold on June 13, 2023, at 10 a.m., at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA. SPRING COVE SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Proposed General Fund Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 is available for inspection on the District’s website at www.springcovesd.org/Business/ If an individual is unable to access the Proposed General Fund B... Full story

  • Public Notices

    May 25, 2023

    Used Motor Grader To BE PURCHASED Sealed proposals for the purchase of a used Motor Grader will be received by the Taylor Township Supervisors before their meeting on June 5, 2023. Bids will be received at the Taylor Township office until 3 PM on June 5, 2023. Bids will be opened and read aloud at the Township’s meeting. The grader to be purchased must be a “2009” model year or newer, 14 foot moldboard, and with less than 5900 hours use.Complete specifications may be obtained at the Township Office or by calling 814-224-2738. Proposals must...

  • Public Notices

    May 18, 2023

    Executor Notice Estate of Ronald G. Leidy, late of Township of Woodbury, Blair County. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay. Co-Executrix Mary Lois Phelps 5190 Piney Creek Rd. Williamsburg, PA 16693 and Laurie Leidy 214 Leidy Lane Williamsburg, PA 16693 Attorney Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq. Sullivan Law Offices LLC 133 E. Allegheny St. Martinsburg, PA 16622. Woodbury Community...

  • Public Notices

    May 11, 2023

    STORAGE SALE Due to nonpayment of rent: Chris Wyant, 406 Garden St, Altoona; Linda Rinier, 383 Wayne Blvd, Alum Bank; Amanda Ellmann, 703 Mattern Orchard Dr Apt 6, Hollidaysburg; Bonnie Shelow Weight, 306 Freedom St, East Freedom; Michael Hennery, 463 Chimney Rocks Rd, Hollidaysburg; Patrick Colderwood, 1112 51st St, Altoona; Danica Waltz, 1020 5th Ave, Duncansville; Jonathan Allshouse, 518 4th Ave, Altoona; Mark Trexler, 223 Paddock Place, Everson PA; Brittany Grover, 805 Quarry St, Gallitzen; Adam Keller, 501 Mulberry St. Hollidaysburg;... Full story

  • Public Notices

    May 4, 2023

    Executor Notice Estate of Robert W. Lape Jr., late of Borough of Martinsburg, Blair County. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay. Executrix Amy Cooper 425 Poplar St. Roaring Spring, PA 16673 Attorney Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq. Sullivan Law Offices LLC 133 E. Allegheny St. Martinsburg, PA 16662 Notice of Pesticide Application Nutrien Ag Solutions of Tyrone, PA is giving notice of... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Apr 27, 2023

    NOTICE of Blair County’s Section 504 Officer and Process for Grievance Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations (“Section 504”), no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The County of Blair does not discriminate in access to, participation in, or treatment, or emplo...

  • Public Notices

    Apr 20, 2023

    Advertisement for Bids Sealed proposals will be received by the Taylor Township, of Blair County, at 7217 Woodbury Pike, Roaring Spring, PA 16673, until 8 p.m. on May 1, 2023, for the following Item 1, 171 ton, Aggregate shoulder, in place Item 2, 297 ton, Superpave scratch and leveling course, 9.5mm, in place Item 3, 1,202 ton, Superpave wearing course, 9.5mm, in place. The Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act applies to this project only if the bid amount exceeds $100,000.00. Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $975.00 per calendar day....

  • Public Notices

    Apr 13, 2023

    Executor Notice Estate of Eloise A. Detwiler, late of Borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay. Co-Executor Vaughn E. Detwiler 10902 Raystown Rd. Saxton, PA 16678 and Daryl Z. Detwiler 160 Corners Hill Dr. Hopewell, PA 16650 Attorney Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq. Sullivan Law Offices LLC 133 E. Allegheny St. Martinsburg, PA 16662 Executor Notice... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Apr 6, 2023

    Consumer Confidence Report for year 2022 The Martinsburg Municipal Authority is required to provide an Annual Water Report listing the water testing results performed during the previous year and also list the testing from previous years that are still valid due to test frequency cycles. We are now providing the entire report on the internet. You can view the entire report by typing: martinsburgpa.org/ADWR2022.pdf in the address bar at the upper left corner of your computer screen (not in the search engine field). You may also visit our website... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Mar 30, 2023

    Estate Notice Estate of Cherrie M. Henry, Deceased. Late of Altoona City, Blair County, PA. D.O.D. 2/28/23. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to David E. Henry, 3103 Westover Dr., State College, PA 16801 & Yvonne F. Trimble, 762 Cross Roads Blvd., Coalport, PA 16627, Executors. Or to their Atty.: J. Corey Reeder, McNees... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Mar 23, 2023

    Executor-Executrix Notice Estate of Sandra Jane Powley, A/K/A Sandra J. Powley, late of Taylor Township, Blair County. Letters testamentary on said estate havign been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted therto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will presen them without delay to. Co-Administrator John Powley, Jr. 6650 Woodbury Pike and Michelle Powley 6650 Woodbury Pike Roaring Spring, PA 16673 Attorney Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq. Sullivan Law Offices LLC 133 E. Allegheny St. Martinsburg, PA 16662... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Mar 16, 2023

    Form of Advertisement Sealed proposals will be received by the North Woodbury Township, of Blair County, at 113 Cranberry Road, Martinsburg, PA 16662, until 9 a.m., on April 6, 2023, for the following. Item 1, 2,203 S.Y., Double Sealcoat with RS-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM (E-3M) Item 2, 33,172 S.Y., Single Sealcoat with RS-2PM (E-2M)/CRS-2PM (E-3M) Item 3, 1LS, Street Sweeping of Sealcoated Roadways. Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $975.00 per calendar day. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. For third class cities... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Mar 9, 2023

    ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT Due to nonpayment of storage rent, all property of Melanie Hoffman stored at Unit# 7 located at Mobile Realty 7, LLC Self Storage Units on South Nicodemus St., Martinsburg, PA will be disposed of on March 20th, 2023. Owner of the unit to contact 717-519-5200 ext. 3. POLICYHOLDER MEETING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Policyholders of Bedford Grange Mutual Insurance Company will hold their Annual Policyholders Meeting at the home office at 477 West Pitt Street, Bedford, PA on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 11:00 AM...

  • Public Notices

    Mar 2, 2023

    POLICYHOLDER MEETING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Policyholders of Bedford Grange Mutual Insurance Company will hold their Annual Policyholders Meeting at the home office at 477 West Pitt Street, Bedford, PA on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 11:00 AM for the purpose of electing directors whose terms are expiring and other such business that has been properly brought before the meeting. Thank you, Rick Barefoot, President ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT Due to nonpayment of storage rent, all property of Melanie Hoffman stored at Unit# 7 located...

  • Public Notices

    Feb 23, 2023

    Spring Cove School District REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The District is requesting proposals for NETWORK EQUIPMENT, CACHING SERVER, AND WIRELESS. Interested parties must contact the RFP manager at lalexander@epicinc.org for information and bid documents. BIDS will be received no later than March 6, 2023 at 2:00PM. Executor Notice Estate of Edna Miller, A/K/A, Edna S. Miller, late of Township of North Woodbury, Blair County. Letters testamentary of said estate having been granted tothe undersifned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make...

  • Public Notices

    Feb 16, 2023

    REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The District is requesting proposals for NETWORK EQUIPMENT, CACHING SERVER, AND WIRELESS. Interested parties must contact the RFP manager at lalexander@epicinc.org for information and bid documents. BIDS will be received no later than March 6, 2023 at 2:00PM. Executor Notice Estate of Edna Miller, A/K/A, Edna S. Miller, late of Township of North Woodbury, Blair County. Letters testamentary of said estate having been granted tothe undersifned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Feb 9, 2023

    Notice NOTICE is given that the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Freedom will consider an Ordinance amending the Freedom Township Parking Ordinance at its regular meeting to be held on March 7, 2023, at 7:00 pm at the Township Municipal Building, East Freedom, Pennsylvania, of which this notice contains a summary, to add the prohibition of obstructing fire hydrants as part of section 7 by adding subpart 3 as follows: It shall be unlawful in any manner to obstruct the use of any fire hydrant, or to allow any snow or ice to be thrown or...

  • Public Notices

    Feb 2, 2023

    Accepting Bids Northern Bedford County School District is accepting sealed bids for replacement of 8 pairs of doors, 2 single doors, and 3 sets of 3 doors at the Northern Bedford Elementary School. Full details of these bid specifications can be found at www.nbcsd.org or by contacting the Maintenance Supervisor at (814) 766-4725. An onsite visit must be made to review the project. Sealed bids must be received to the attention of Teri Biddle, Northern Bedford County School District, 152 NBC Drive, Loysburg, PA 16659 by 1 pm on Monday, February... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Jan 26, 2023

    Public Notice The Martinsburg Municipal Authority will be accepting bids for siding, replacement windows & exterior doors, on their rental house. Contact the Martinsburg Borough office for additional information. Deadline for submitting bids will be March 16,2023 @ 4:30pm. 110 S Walnut St Martinsburg Pa, 16662 814-793-3213 Borough Manager, Rich Brantner Jr WILLIAMSBURG BOROUGH SCHOOL DIRECTOR VACANCY Notice is hereby given that there is one open seat for Williamsburg Borough residents for a School Director for the Williamsburg Community School... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Jan 19, 2023

    BOROUGH OF MARTINSBURG ANNOUNCES RECRUITMENT FOR POLICE OFFICERS The Borough of Martinsburg is accepting applications for a full-time police officer and part-time police officers. Qualification: Must be a U. S. Citizen, minimum age requirement – 21 years. All applicants must have Act 120 Certification and must possess a valid PA operator’s license prior to employment date. Applications can be obtained from the Martinsburg Borough Office M-F 8-12 and 1-4:30: 110 S. Walnut Street, Martinsburg PA 16662 Deadline for completed applications, alo... Full story

  • Public Notices

    Jan 12, 2023

    BLAIR COUNTY PA CDBG PROGRAM NOTICE OF FINDINGS AND PUBLIC EXPLANATION In accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Water Resources Councils Floodplain Management Guidelines for Implementing Executive Order No. 11988, the County of Blair announces its findings and intent to proceed with the project described below: PROJECT DESCRIPTION – The proposed project will include the installation of approximately 16 residential water laterals in the form of construction and connection fees to existing residential structures. The water laterals will c... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Jan 5, 2023

    PUBLIC NOTICE PROGRAM MODIFICATION PA Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program County of Blair on behalf of Non-Entitlements, Antis Township, Blair Township, Frankstown Township, Greenfield Township, Borough of Hollidaysburg & Borough of Tyrone In accordance with the rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the PA Department of Community and Economic Development the Blair County Board of Commissioners and the governing bodies listed above are asking for public comments regarding the following... Full story

  • Public Notice

    Dec 29, 2022

    Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent and fees, all property of Logan Bouffard, 723 Bedford St. Apt. 4, Claysburg, PA 16625, stored at Freedom Junction Self Storage, East Freedom, PA will be sold on January 3, 2023 at 10 a.m., at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA. MEETING NOTICE The board of supervisors of Bloomfield Township will hold their organization meeting and regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the township building located at 3387 Lafayette Road, Bakers Summit. Charlene O’Dellick S...

  • Public Notices

    Dec 22, 2022

    TIVITY THAT MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN PENNSYLVANIA CDBG PROGRAM COUNTY OF BLAIR To: All Interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals In accordance with Section 2 (a) (4) of Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, and Section 2 (b) of Executive Order 11990 Protection of Wetlands, implemented by HUD Regulations found at 24 CFR 55.20 (b) for the HUD action that is within and/or affects a floodplain or wetland. The County of Blair on behalf is requesting public input on a proposal to use Community Development Block Grant...

  • Public Notice

    Dec 15, 2022

    Form of Advertisement NOTE: A previous version of this Notice was published with an incorrect time listed. The corrected Notice appears below. Sealed proposals will be received by the North Woodbury Township of Blair County, at 113 Cranberry Rd., Martinsburg, Pa 16662, until 8 a.m. on Jan. 3, 2023, for the following: Item 1, 650+/- ton, AS$ Anti-Skid Item 2, 400+/- ton, 2A Stone Item 3, 200+/- ton, 2B Stone Item 4, 200+/- ton, 2 Stone Item 5, 300+/- ton, 3 Stone Item 6, 200+/- ton, 4 Stone Item 7, 200+/- ton, DSA Price if product delivered Pric...

  • Public Notices

    Dec 8, 2022

    Form of Advertisement Sealed proposals will be received by the North Woodbury Township of Blair County, at 113 Cranberry Rd., Martinsburg, Pa 16662, until 4 p.m. on Jan. 3, 2023, for the following: Item 1, 650+/- ton, AS$ Anti-Skid Item 2, 400+/- ton, 2A Stone Item 3, 200+/- ton, 2B Stone Item 4, 200+/- ton, 2 Stone Item 5, 300+/- ton, 3 Stone Item 6, 200+/- ton, 4 Stone Item 7, 200+/- ton, DSA Price if product delivered Price if product picked-up by Township Liquidated Damages Apply. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the...

  • Public Notices

    Dec 1, 2022

    Executor/Executrix Notice Estate of Jerry R. Disney, A/K/A Jerry Roy Disney, North Woodbury Township, Blair County. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same will present them without delay. Michael R. Disney 1279 Cove Lane Rd. Martinsburg, PA 16662 Attorney Shawn P. Sullivan, Esq. Haberstroh, Sullivan & George, LLC. 133 E. Allegheny St. Martinsburg, PA 16662 Executor/Executrix Notice Estate of Robert Earl...

  • Public Notices

    Nov 23, 2022

    TENTATIVE BUDGET INSPECTION NOTICE The Roaring Spring Borough Council has given tentative approval of the 2023 budget which will be available for public inspection at the borough office, 616 Spang Street, Roaring Spring during regular business hours until December 12, 2022. at which time, the budget will be formally adopted at the regular council meeting of the Roaring Spring borough. Lisa A. Peel, Borough Manage NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on December 12, 2022 at 6:00p.m. the Borough Council of Roaring Spring, Blair County,...

  • Public Notices

    Nov 17, 2022

    TAYLOR TOWNSHIP 2023 PROPOSED BUDGET The Taylor Township Board of Supervisors have reviewed the 2023 proposed budget which will be available for public inspection at the township office, 7217 Woodbury Pike, Roaring Spring, PA 16673 during regular business hours Mon-Thurs 9:00am to 3:00pm. The proposed budget will be adopted at the regularly scheduled board meeting on Mon., Dec. 5th, 2022 at 6:00pm at the township building. The Supervisors will hold their annual reorganization meeting on Tues., Jan. 3rd, 2023 at 6:00pm at the township building....

  • Public Notices

    Nov 10, 2022

    Notice of Organizational Meeting and Regular Meeting notice to appoint certified public accountant notice of auditors meeting Notice is hereby given by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of North Woodbury that said Board, will hold its annual organizational meeting Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at 10 a.m., followed immediately by the January 2023 Regular Meeting at the North Woodbury Township Municipal Building, located at the intersection of Route 866 and Cranberry Road, in North Woodbury Township, Blair County, PA. At said meeting, said...

  • Public Notices

    Nov 3, 2022

    ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS Woodbury Township, 6385 Clover Creek Rd Williamsburg, is accepting sealed bids for a 2022 Ford F600 chassis or equivalent. Sealed bids will be accepted until November 10th at 9:00am. Storage Sale Due to the nonpayment of storage rent and fees, all property of Destini Tucker 1 Plaza Mayor Unit 7 Venice, FL34285, stored at Freedom Junction Self Storage, East Freedom, PA, will be sold on November 8, 2022, at 10 a.m. at Freedom Junction, East Freedom, PA. Estate Notice Estate of James M. Duffy, Deceased. Late of Allegheny...

  • Public Notices

    Oct 27, 2022

    INVITATION TO BID Five Points Signal ROARING SPRING BOROUGH, BLAIR COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Sealed bids for the construction of a replacement signal including roadway improvements to the Five Points Intersection (East Main Street/Spang Street and Church Street), will be received by Roaring Spring Borough at 616 Spang Street, Roaring Spring, PA 16673, until 3:30 pm prevailing local time on November 14, 2022. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 6:00 pm prevailing local time on November 14, 2022 at the Borough Council Meeting. The Issuing Office...

  • Public Notices

    Oct 20, 2022

    ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ROARING SPRING BOROUGH, BLAIR COUNTY, PA Sealed Bids for the construction of the Roaring Spring Municipal Authority’s proposed Waterline Replacement Project will be received at the office of the Authority at 616 Spang Street, P.O. Box 33, Roaring Spring, PA 16673, until 4:00pm local time on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project includes the open trench replacement of approximately 11,250 linear feet of 2”, 6”, and 8” wa...

  • Public Notices

    Oct 13, 2022

    LEGAL NOTICE OF NON-UNIFORM PENSION PLAN AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NOTICE is given that the Council of the Borough of Williamsburg will consider an Ordinance at its regular meeting to be held on November 7, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal Building, 305 E. 2nd Street, Williamsburg, Pennsylvania. This ordinance will amend the Plan Document for 2023 with the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System, a summary applicable to the Ordinance follows: AN ORDINANCE OF WILLIAMSBURG BOROUGH, BLAIR COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELECTING TO AMEND ITS...

  • Public Notices

    Oct 6, 2022

    NOTICE OF BUDGET WORKSHOP Freedom Township Supervisors will hold a budget workshop on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the Freedom Township Municipal Building located at 131 Municipal Street, East Freedom, PA 16637. If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend the budget workshop and require an auxiliary aide, service or other accommodation to participate, please contact Lisa Edmundson at 695-8051 to discuss how the Township may best accommodate your needs. Lisa Edmundson Freedom Township Secretary/Treas...

  • Public Notices

    Sep 29, 2022

    ABANDONED VEHICLES The following abandoned vehicles will be sold at public auction at Walter’s Auto Wrecking, 403 Walter’s Lane, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648, on October 1, 2022 at 10am. Vehicles: 2014 Hyundai, VIN# KMHCT4AEXEU631548; 2000 Ford, VIN# 1FAFP42X8YF283964; 2015 Chrysler, VIN# 1C3CCCAB9FN658065; 2006 Ford, VIN# 1FDAF57P46EB19616; 2017 Ford, VIN# 3FA6POVP6HR321246. NOTE: There will be a minimum bid and the title will be branded Formerly Abandoned. For more information, Call 814-696-0310. For Sale For Sale: 1974 Ford Tractor/Frontend Loa...

  • Public Notices

    Sep 22, 2022

    For Sale For Sale: 1974 Ford Tractor/Frontend Loader 4500 Series The Borough of Martinsburg will be selling and accepting bids on a 1974 Ford Tractor, minimum bids of $3000 are due by 4:00pm on Monday, November 7, 2022. Contact borough office for further details. 110 S. Walnut St Martinsburg PA 16662. 814-793-3213. Storage Sale Due to nonpayment of storage rent, all property of Terry L Gardner 4195 Piney Creek Rd Williamsburg PA 16693 Units #148,#152 and #160; Hilary Stiffey 535 Woodward Dr Roaring Spring PA 16673 Unit #107; Cove Fencing 517 Ro...

  • Public Notices

    Sep 15, 2022

    LEGAL NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NOTICE is given that the Council of the Borough of Williamsburg will consider an Ordinance establishing the discount and penalty with respect to payment of real estate taxes at its regular meeting to be held in the Municipal Building, 305 E. 2nd Street, Williamsburg, Pennsylvania on October 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. The following is a summary of the proposed ordinance: Beginning with the tax year beginning on the first Monday of January, 2023 and ending on the first Monday of January, 2024, and for each tax year...

  • Public Notices

    Sep 8, 2022

    Special Township Meeting Notice The Board of Supervisors of Woodbury Township, Bedford County, will hold a special Township meeting on Thursday, September 15, 2022, immediately following the Woodbury Township Planning Commission meeting at 7 p.m., in the large meting room located in the Woodbury Area Community Center, Woodbury, PA 16695, for the purpose of discussion of the township legal councel. Woodbury Township Denise L. Ott, Secretary Executor - Executrix notice Estate OF DONALD WESNER A/K/A DONALD R. WESNER LATE OF: Tayor Township, Blair... Full story

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